
by Centrum dopravního výzkumu, v.v.i.

Auto & Vehicles


Animals die every day on the roads and railways, in numbers that are still unknown. At present, no centralized information exists about these recurring incidents.This application has been developed in order to help fill the information gaps. It centralizes data about roadkill and aims to identify safer traffic solutions for people and wildlife.  Application offers users a platform where they can report animal-vehicle collisions or dead animals. Each new entry will contribute to a better understanding of the patterns and circumstances behind these incidents. Regular reports on collected data will be published on the website. The site and the mobile application (Android) are collaborative tools intended to be used by a variety of users: drivers, road and rail administrators, Police, insurance companies, biologists, environmentalists, hunters, foresters, and the general public.Your feedback is welcome, as we strive to constantly improve the application and the database. Thank you for being part of this initiative to ensure safer mobility for people and wildlife!The application was developed within the Enveros project